Minor tree clearing and pruning works
Minor tree clearing and pruning works recently occurred on Whitefields Road in August 2023. This work was in preparation for the upcoming Whitefields Road upgrade. It was also to avoid completing any works within the Superb Parrot breeding season. The works involved the removal of four small trees and the pruning of other branches. None of these trees or branches contained hollows, locations where birds nest or seek refuge. The works were undertaken in accordance with the approved Roadside Vegetation Management and Landscaping Plan, with additional tree seedlings to be planted along Whitefields Road.
All works occur in accordance with the approved Roadside Vegetation Management and Landscaping Plan. This Plan was developed in consultation with the Yass Valley Council and was approved by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (now Planning and Environment). Additionally, the works and the construction of the wind farm, will be undertaken in accordance with the planning permit, endorsed management plans, and all other relevant legislation and regulations which manage construction activities in NSW.
Goldwind Australia place a high importance on road safety for all road users and acknowledges the necessity for all road users to drive to the current road conditions. Traffic management will be in place to manage any impacts on the local roads.
The project team aims to continue to keep local disruption to a minimum and we would like to thank the local community for their support of the project to date. We will provide regular updates outlining the construction progress once the project enters the construction phase. We encourage interested community members to drop into the project information centre in Binalong if they have questions or feedback about the project.